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Achtung Scheckbetrüger

Sehr geehrte Berufsfotografen


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die Bundesinnung wurde nun in einem konkreten Fall darüber informiert, wie im Falle des Betrug-E-Mails "Wedding Photographer Required" von Tracey Garner vorgegangen wird:

1. Anfrage von Tracey Garner betreffend Fotoshooting für eine Hochzeit, die am angegebenen Ort gar nicht stattfindet. Es wurde von Tracey Garner bundesweit die gleiche Anfrage an verschiedene österreichische Berufsfotografen gestellt. Bei all diesen Anfragen handelt es sich immer wieder um eine textgleiche Anfrage, die gleiche Person als Absender, um das gleiche Datum, die gleiche Uhrzeit, die gleiche Stundenanzahl, die gleiche Anzahl an Hochzeitsgästen, nur der Ort wechselt je nach Standort des Berufsfotografen. Nachforschungen von Berufsfotografen in den Hotels haben jeweils ergeben, dass zum besagten Termin in den angegebenen Hotels keine solche Hochzeit stattfindet.

2. Nach Übermittlung einer Kalkulation durch den Fotografen schickt Tracey Garner eine Bestätigung, dass ihr Kunde den Preis akzeptiert hat und die Zahlung so bald wie möglich an den Fotograf übermittelt wird.

3. Information von Tracey Garner, dass ihr Klient irrtümlich die Kosten für ihre eigene Rechnung (Flugticket, Reisespesen etc.) auch an den Fotografen überwiesen hat. Im vorliegenden Fall hat der Fotografen einen Scheck in Höhe von EUR 4.900,-- erhalten, wobei seine Kalkulation nur ca. EUR 1.700,--  ausgemacht hat!!! Der Fotograf wird aufgefordert, den Empfang des Geldes zu bestätigen und die gesamte Summe bei seiner Bank zu deponieren.

Nachstehend der uns zur Verfügung gestellte Schriftverkehr von Tracey Garner.


Freundliche Grüße

Irene Jörg
Bundesinnung der Berufsfotografen
A-1045 Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63
Tel. +43 (0)5 90 900-3247
Fax +43 (0)5 90 900-288
e-mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

Von: Tracey Garner

Gesendet: Montag, 21. Februar 2011 12:11




Dear ......., Sorry for the delay in writing you, my father had a triple bypass operation on Sunday and it's been a very nervous period for my family and I. Thanks to God he is awake today and responding well to treatment. Have you received the payment from my client? Payment was sent from my client's office by Mrs. Lieberman (Almond Foods Limited - director of finance). Just to let you know I have received this morning a copy of the payment memorandum. Apparently my client's office has made a mistake, I sent two bills to my client, one was to cover the flight and travel expenses of myself and my assistants which was to be sent to my travel agent and the other was for your photography service which was to be issued to you. Mrs. Lieberman however sent you all the money. Please confirm receipt of payment when you receive it and deposit all the payment at your bank. Best Regards, Tracey Garner





From: Tracey Garner

Sent: 19 February 2011 14:11




Dear …..,


Sorry for the delay in writing you, my Dad suffered a stroke a few days ago and his condition is critical. I'm just coming from the hospital and I haven't had time for anything else. The doctors say it's really bad and I pray to God that he survives this.

Just to let you know your payment is on the way. My client left a message for me at the office, saying payment has been posted to you. You should receive it by Monday or Tuesday at the latest, do kindly let me know when it arrives.


Many thanks, Tracey Garner


Dear ........,


Thanks for making your services available to us, I will ensure payment is sent out to you as soon as possible. I will be staying at the same Hotel and will arrive on Saturday 26th Feb. Upon arrival I will call you and arrange a time to meet with the couple at the hotel on Sunday 27th Feb around 12pm. Your duties is primarily to take pictures of the entire wedding reception at the hotel only and the reception starts at 1pm. The church wedding will be held in the morning at 10am and it is been covered by my regular photographer here in the UK, however he cannot stay for the reception due to prior engagement, hence the reason we have requested your service for the reception only. When we meet for the first time we can discuss in details the wedding reception programme and I will then give you your official invitation which allows you access into the wedding reception venue. I look forward to meeting you soon. Have a nice day and God bless.





Von: Tracey Garner
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 10. Februar 2011 22:33

Betreff: RE: Wedding Photographer Required


Dear ....,

Many thanks for your cordial message; I'm glad to hear you are available for the occasion and requested date. My client is happy with your offer and I would like to hire you as the wedding photographer. The total cost for your wedding package service Euro 1780 is acceptable and my client will pay you in full in order to guarantee your services.

My client’s company (Almond Foods Limited) will pay for the service and full payment will be sent to you from their head-office. A Money Order will be sent to you covering the total cost of your photography services. Payment will be sent by post and for this I would need your Full Name, Postal Address and Telephone Number to have payment posted to you as soon as possible.

Do kindly note that I will require your maximum co-operation to make sure that their wedding is a successful and unforgettable one. The outcome affects my company’s reputation and survival in this business. I will require you to arrive exactly on time or earlier, I cannot risk having any hindrance. Also please note to maintain the couple's privacy and to avoid unwanted guests like the paparazi, the hotel as well as everyone working with me to make this a successful wedding has been requested not to give out any information regarding the place and time of the wedding. We also employ you to respect the privacy of the couple by not passing any information regarding the wedding to anyone else. Once again thanks ever so much.

Best regards,
Tracey Garner
Occasion Planner
Garner Wedding Planners Ltd.
130, Queenstown Rd,
London, SW8 3RH
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 742 436 5254.